Parametric design and creation of gears

The tooth profile of the parametric design gear can be programmed in VB and other programming languages ​​to perform accurate tooth profile design on the SW platform (but this requires learning the VB language and connecting the language to the platform). This paper mainly introduces the design of the gear tooth part by using the function of the SW platform itself. It is mainly based on the theoretical calculation of the tooth thickness on different circles to determine the relative position of the points on the multi-point arc to form the tooth profile curve.
Preparations To accurately design the gears, the gears must be accurately calculated to determine some specific characteristic parameters about the tooth profile. Here, two standard involutes of Z=20 and Z=34 are made with the modulus m=4mm. Take the spur gear as an example.
Involute tooth profile drawing: draw a curve on one side of the reference center line and mark the coordinate values ​​of the four feature points on the curve: the distance from the first point to the reference line is: Sa1/2=1.75mmISSN1009-8984CN22- 1323/N, the distance from the second point to the reference line is: S1/2=3.14mm to the origin distance: D1/2=40mm; the third point [distance to the reference line: Sb1/2=3.51mm to the origin The distance is: Db1/2=38.04mm]; the fourth point [distance to the reference line: Sf1/2=3.14mm to the origin distance: Df1/2=35mm]; single-tooth single-sided tooth profile drawing: using automatic The capture function passes through the origin as the addendum circle (through the first point), and the same as the root circle and the inner grid circle (the diameter of which should be determined according to the gear structure, the original center is the origin), on both sides of the reference center line Two lines, and add a geometric relationship to make the two lines coincide with the origin, and then define the line to be 1=9.05 angle with the reference center line (if the angle is too small, there may be a small gap between the single teeth, then the subsequent feature array is discontinuous) Will not be able to do so, so add a small angle to the single-tooth half-angle up difference), while selecting the reference centerline and 4 points The curve is symmetrically mirrored. Trim the contour of the tooth profile: Close the single tooth profile.
The single tooth feature is selected to select the base stretching command, and the drawing is stretched, and the stretching thickness is equal to the tooth width B=24 mm to produce a main body shape of one tooth. At the same time, the two straight lines of the root are selected, and f=0.38m=1.52 is used as the root fillet.
The reference axis is a temporary axis. The characteristics of the array are the base stretching and rounding. Select an equally spaced array to complete (the design of the web, hub, and keyway adopts the common design procedure, which is omitted). Such a standard involute spur gear is completed and the file is saved as: Chilun.sldprt.
Geared Serial Design The SW platform features a range of part designs that create a single part series from a single part. The 3D CAD software SW is an OEL/2 application software that can directly reference Ex-cel's spreadsheet to create a property value table for the critical dimensions of the part being built, and is directly called by SW. Using the gears that have been created above as the base, create an Excel spreadsheet in which the key dimensions are related to the modulus and pressure angle. Here, the gears of any modulus and pressure angle value can be completed. As long as the main characteristic parameter values ​​of the gears are accurately calculated in the preparation work, the corresponding values ​​are entered in the following table, and cl3 can be generated like cl2. , cl4.

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